Monday, January 14, 2013

Half way

We made it to Dallas/Fort Worth, where we were transported via beeping cart through a walkway that  spanned over multiple freeway ramps to arrive at a shopping mall circled with airplane gates.

I’ve concluded that, given the number of people who fly out of necessity, airlines could decrease world crankiness if first class seating and services were standard for all. First world countries could increase productivity and squelch more world ills if every person who started a day of work flying stepped away not leg-cramped, adequately fed sans harried pre-boarding purchase-scrambling, and contented by hot wet rags and a warm chocolate chip cookie.

Cam’s quiet. He was able to have some “weird” plane sleep on the first flight, but is being a patient traveler and overall champ.

Realizing we will return to some semblance of “normalcy” in a few hours brings a quick  wave of surrealness. 

The last time we were away from LA for five or more weeks, I got a study trip to Italy out of it.

I liked Italy better. The protein icecream the hospital started us on is pretty good, but nothing trumps nightly gelato.

Cam just read my first-class paragraph – good progress to focus on a screen that long without dizziness – and posed, “so now you have to explore how to live first class in a non-first class world.” A-ha. There’s a glimpse of the mind I fell in love with. Another inch towards recovery.

I’ll take it. But the philosophizing he suggested is going to have to wait.

LA, the Deavers are coming back to love you even better than before!

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait to see you and are happy you're having a good trip. XOXO
