Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bye-bye, hospital! Hello, next step to home!

Posted to Facebook this morning, Saturday, December 29 --

Glorious news:

Cam was discharged from the hospital last night around 10pm!

His brother Mike did an awesome job of getting our room settled with all our things at the SECU Family House (think Ronald McDonald House for non-kids). It's about a third of the price of a decent hotel room, and much more like a home environment with a huge communal kitchen and a few comfortable sitting/TV areas.

Cam continues to be an angel. If adversity reveals the true man, then I have married the truest gem conceivable.

He's had 10 dialysis treatments in 12 days, most averaging 3 or more hours. Now he gets the weekend off and dialyzes again Monday morning.

We anticipate we'll be here in North Carolina for at least 10 more days in order to have a one-week follow up with our surgeon, 3 dialysis treatments next week, and make arrangements for dialysis treatments to continue without a gap at home in Los Angeles.

I continue to feel confident that Cam's kidney failure is temporary -- the kidneys are just resting after the hot chemo -- but they'll be fully back soon enough.

Please keep sending your wonderful words of encouragement! Dialysis is extremely hard on a person, not to mention recovery from a HIPEC and having the diaphragm stripped.

Several kind hearts have asked where to send mail and I know I haven't responded to each one, so here's where we are for at least 10 days:

Cameron Deaver
SECU Family House
1970 Baldwin Lane
Winston Salem, NC

Our unending thanks for all your support! He's managed to field a couple calls from siblings but is still pretty much just needing to rest full time. He sent a short, time-sensitive email to get a Christmas wish granted for his brother, and that first, short shot on the computer took . . . um . . . we'll just say it took a really long time.

But I'll give you the word when he's ready for phone calls, because he's certainly going to need peppy cheerleaders like all you angel friends to share your actual voices with him. For that and all you've done, again, you have my undying gratitude.

By the way, its been fairly unnerving that no one marches in and out of our room here at the family house. Going more than 15 minutes without an interruption during the day (I'm not exaggerating) and more than 40 minutes during sleeping hours is really foreign. Almost creepy even. ;)

Go live a wonderful day! Love, love, love, Krish
 — at SECU Family House- Winston Salem.

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