Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hope. And Keep Asking.


And love.



The purpose of this blog is to grow these things in the people who originate the posts and the people who read the posts.

I just needed some time off to remind myself of that.

Oh, and of course, it’s intended to keep you updated on the well-being of the fabulous Mr. Cam Deaver.

But if you could be with him day to day from the beginning of his obscure cancer and subsequent adventures (which only I’ve been privileged enough to do), then you would know that his words, his actions, his presence have always and continue to invoke gratitude. Love. Courage. And HOPE.

So what’s the update on the red-headed man with the charming smile who we all love?

He’s doing sooo much better. You’d be thrilled to see him.

He’s working on a film project for our church, which has provided us a much, much needed change of scenery. By displanting ourselves, we can almost believe we’re in a place where cancer, kidney failure, lung fluid, and piles of medical paperwork don’t even exist.

Almost. (We’re not getting high, after all.) Just a change of scenery and some much-loved work.

Yes, he loves the type of work he’s doing on this current film project, and I believe that being able to do it has been the perfect next step in his healing process. God is merciful, friends.

And by changing things up, hopefully we’ve both been able to take a breath. Build some strength. Some stamina. Some resistance. Some perspective. 

Because in two weeks, we’ll be running the gamut of doctors’ visits again, and we’ll need all that stuff and more.

But we can do it! With some laughs and big ol’ smiles, lotsa hugs and prayers, it’ll all be fine. Things will work out.

I can’t think of a single time that I’ve asked a friend or acquaintance for a needed hug and been refused. There’s some power there, right? Power in the asking. Power to receive if we will ask.

Yeah, monsters, you’re not so tough. Bad dreams, you’re just subconscious stirrings. Haunts, you’re just fears that I’ll keep slaughtering.

We’re going to be just fine.

Oh – but don’t think for a minute that you’re off the hook with reading medical adventures. I already have an “Absurd Conversation Series” installment ready to post. Hopefully this one will actually make you laugh, though.



  1. So happy you are back to writing. {{{hugs}}}

  2. We sure love you both!! So happy to hear the update, and SO happy you're finding things to enjoy! No one deserves it more!

  3. Yeah! I've been wondering how you guys are getting along, and hoping and praying for the best. A change of scenery is always great medicine. You are both such an inspiration of hope and faith. I admire your strength. Can't wait to see you!

  4. Hallelujah!! So glad to hear that some fun is being had!! Happy to hear the good news and will step a little lighter today because of it. Always sending good thoughts, hope and strength your way. XOXOXO

  5. Yay! This is happiness - wish you could see it in person. You know you're always welcome here!

  6. Nikki -- wish I could see what? Or did you mean that you wish you could see it? Visit us in L.A. any time . . .

  7. Krish! Love this!!!! Hope to see you guys soon!

  8. Krisha,

    It was such an honor to meet you, spend a wonderful day with you and learn about your heart and soul. Your love, faith, hope and belief in a merciful Heavenly Father are apparent in your every action and word.

    Thank you for sharing yourself with me that day.
